A downloadable holiday festival

This supplement was created for the GGGE Game Jam 2023. It will always be free!


Festivus is a secular holiday that falls on December 23. Invented by author Daniel O'Keefe as an alternative to Christmas for his family, it rose to fame after it became the focus of an episode of Seinfeld in the late 90's, written by his son Dan O'Keefe. It is both a parody of a holiday festival and a playful way for consumers to resist the financial pressures of shopping during the holiday season. The focus of Festivus is the opposite of that - a cheap, cheerful day that centres on people, rather than commercialism or religion. Thus, it makes a perfect light-hearted theme for a diverse gathering of people - such as a TTRPG party!  

This supplement includes aspects of Festivus influenced by from the Seinfeld episode where the holiday is featured ("The Strike", 1997), with a few extra rules and traditions added to keep things fun for your players.


Festivus-for-5E.pdf 7 MB

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